We have been conditioned in modern culture in the data oriented form of transmission. While we all crave something else, while our heart craves something else, the mind is always there saying, “I really need this in order to feel comfortable.”

The closer we come to how nature operates and how the heart operates, the more effective we will be in understanding ourselves. Understanding one’s heart means surrendering the ebb and flow of life enabling the experiences as the transmission of the knowledge and wisdom which can’t be acquired by reading book, listening others. It must come from within.

So it’s just the willingness to be open and then once you surrender into it, you will emerge in a different way and that different way will enable you to become who you truly are.

Wang Fengyi during the three years of fileal watch at his father’s grave, came to the understanding all human suffering and diseases are rooted in emotions. Combining the Confucian human virtues with the 5 movements (elements) he created the chants to help people in healing.

The cycle begins with Wood, cleansing anger and affirming 主意zhǔ yì the virtue of direction, motivation of the life force and boundless compassion.


Shànrén kàn wǒ yǒu zhǔ yì. Wǒ yǒu zhǔ yì.

Does the Universe see in me, the quality of Direction (wood) ?
Yes, I do have Direction.

(Liu et al., 2014, p. 277)

Photo Credit: Thibault Trillet


Liu, Y., Wilms, S., & Liu, Z. (2014). Let the radiant yang shine forth: lectures on virtue. Happy Goat.