命 門 Ming Men is the junction of two living beings, my parents representing yin and yang, that started my life. Because of these two I exist.

Dao gave birth to One
One gave birth to Two,
Two gave birth to Three,
Three gave birth to all the myriad things

(see Lao-Tzu, 1961, p. 42)

It is a paradox also, every inhalation is an inspiration while every exhalation is expiration. 命 門 Ming Men is yin and yang. Earth reflects Heaven, since I stand between Heaven and Earth as above so below.

I exist with my own proper nature bestowed upon me by Heaven and Earth, having the ability to develop to the highest then and only then I can express the power and virtue of Heaven in me. 命 Ming destiny given to me by Heaven is nothing other than unfolding my proper nature and follow my path.

As I move through he circumstances of life all I must to do is act according to my nature and follow the way passing through sometimes easy sometimes challenging gates . It is up to my will to push with just the necessary power to open the gate. Thus 門 Men becomes is potential ability to express the power and virtue of Heaven and Earth.

Though can feel myself, without a mirror I can not see myself. When without a mirror I can see myself, that is the moment I have become one and returned to Dao 道.

In difficult moments guidance of the Sage can surely help, all I have to is to find the Master within me.

Photo by: Pixabay from Pexels


Lao-Tzu. (1961). Tao Teh Ching (J. C. Wu, Tran.; First). Shambhala Publications.