Those who would walk the way returning to Dao, should get a good translation of Laozi’s Dao De Jing. Having a translation of Zhuangzi would also be helpful. These two will provide a philosophical base for your understanding Dao.

As an aide in practicing to be with Dao, seeking the guidance of a Sage could be vital, therefore use of Yi Jing could be beneficial. Yi Jing will inspire you until you gain experience in connecting with your higher self at will. Afterwards you can use Yi Jing as a check on your internal intuitive perceptions. Just make sure your choice on Yi Jing translation is not designed for fortune telling.

So in summary here is what you need:

  1. Translation of Dao De Jing
  2. Translation of Zhuangzi
  3. Translation of Yi Jing

Daily meditation will help to connect with the Sage within and inner peace. But the most important part is dedication.

Photo Credit: Anastasia Shuraeva